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    Target group

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    Target group

    What is meant by target group?

    Target groups are usually defined according to different criteria. A common target group definition is based on the age of the customer.

    The target group is basically the group of people that a company wants to reach with its products and services. It turns out that a precise definition of the target group can significantly increase the chances of success. Defining a target group is considered one of the most important tasks in product and business development, as product design, market launch and marketing depend on it.

    Target groups are essential for online marketing and are also a key success factor for print and TV. Marketing measures only bring the desired success if the target group is precisely defined and, based on this, target group-specific texts can be written (structure, content, salutation, choice of words and keywords) that appeal to the target group.

    In marketing, the term Target group one Group of people with certain social demographic characteristicsThe advertising message is aimed at this group, e.g. age, education and interests. In other words, potential customers who are similar in their interests and needs and should then be encouraged to buy with a specific advertising message.

    Four characteristics of well-known target group marketing models:

    • demographic (age, gender, origin)
    • psychographic (motivation, needs)
    • Behavior-oriented (price sensitivity, understanding of quality)
    • socio-economic (education, profession, salary)

    Customer loyalty and its continuation through customer retention instruments (e.g. discounts, cross-selling, offers, etc.), but also the acquisition of new customers, are important for a successful company. The content shouldshow all relevant information about your products or services and arouse the interest of potential new customers and persuade them to buy.

    Customer loyalty also requires creativity. The above-mentioned customer loyalty instruments offer a whole spectrum of possibilities, but there are still difficulties associated with building and maintaining long-term customer relationships. This makes it clear how important it is to know customer needs and customer benefits precisely in order to develop and implement truly successful customer loyalty measures. The better a company succeeds in understanding customer loyalty measures not only as a marketing concept, but also in placing the customer and customer benefits at the center of all business activities, the better the full earnings potential of customers can be exploited. In connection with customer loyalty measures, it is important to regularly ask whether the company is properly positioned for this.

    Why is a target group definition important?

    If you don’t know your target group, you don’t know their wishes, needs and fears and without these, your advertising measures will not be as successful as you hope. If you know your target group, then you have the opportunity to find out where you need to advertise. Target group analysis is therefore fundamentally important for your advertising and your content offers the user added value, giving your company the opportunity to be successful and stand out from the competition. The aim is to solve the user’s problem; if you do not offer this content, the user will leave the website again.

    How do you define your target group?

    Meaningful data is essential as a basis for defining the target group. Initially, you will have access to internal information about your target group, your existing customers and your own product/service, but only if this information is already available. As a newcomer, for example, you start by analyzing initial information about customers with values from your competitors and rivals.

    The following data should be used to analyze the target group:

    • Average age of your customers
    • Interest in which products and services
    • Goals of your customers
    • Origin of your customers
    • Budget and investment projects on average?

    Tools for target group analysis

    • Google Analytics
    • Google AdWords
    • Google Trends

    Google Trends and Google AdWords are used to analyze popular search terms and Google Analytics is used to evaluate website activities. Google Analytics determines through which search engines and links users have reached your site. It also shows which products were viewed and which end devices and browsers were used.

    You can reach your target group through various marketing measures, such as target group-specific content on your website and additionally using all available and useful social media channels.

    "You only live twice"

    In digital and real life – with our full-service agency, you are ideally positioned and dressed in both worlds. We will advise you on your options and ensure that your next order is guaranteed to be a success.

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