Content marketing: Copywriting like an SEO expert
Search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing are closely related. As part of search engine marketing (alongside SEA), the name literally says it all. In addition to the many technical aspects that an SEO expert deals with, there is also a large focus on the content area – i.e. all aspects of content. In today’s article, we take an in-depth look at copywriting and why it is helpful, but by no means everything, to be a talented writer. Whether it’s a blog post, a text for a service or the description for a product that should have a unique touch (keyword: unique content) – there are a wide variety of text media in the SEO industry. Anyone who has ever visited a website will inevitably have noticed how much text there actually is and how incomplete a website would be without its content – even if it’s just the familiar slogan that’s missing. But why is it not enough to be a talented writer to do successful SEO-style content marketing? As complex as the text forms are, the content is not lacking in complexity and things like Keywords etc. are the main focus of an SEO. If you want to offer absolute added value when writing content, you are well positioned with these facts about SEO content marketing in copywriting.
Flexibility – content, customers, target group
If you feel confident in your writing style, you have a good foundation to work with. However, the differences are immense, because an SEO copywriter writes for many clients and as different as the topics are, the target group is often just as different – as are the clients. It may very well be that the first text is about offering children’s birthday parties, but then the next customer wants something written about the funeral process. Often on the same day. If someone then needs a landing page for their new printers, it becomes clear that people don’t necessarily just write about SEO topics all day long.
So it is not enough to prove yourself with your knowledge of spelling, grammar and good comma placement. Parents need to be reached in a different way than potential buyers of printers. In the same way, the mood conveyed at funerals is completely different to that of birthdays. The client ‘s briefing must be taken into account, but research work must also be carried out in order to be able to deal with the topics in as valid a manner as possible. No customer wants to receive a text that does not reflect him and the service/product in terms of content or – in the worst case – contains completely false information. Furthermore, it is essential to adapt to the language of the target group. Do parents have to be confronted with technical jargon and high-sounding phrases at a children’s birthday party? Is it not perhaps more advisable to resort to trivializations and emotionally evocative terminology? When does it make sense to use the first name and when is it better not to? Do terms/definitions need to be explained? Do you write for laypeople or experts? Addressing the target group effectively should always be the top priority. Because anyone who does not feel addressed by a text will not follow it any further and will probably leave the site. This is not only a lost lead and lost sales, it is also the risk of an increased bounce rate of visitors. Google evaluates this behavior extremely negatively and will also rank you in the search engine according to your decreasing relevance. Unfortunately, well-placed commas and spelling mistakes will not help you.
If you have acquired considerable flexibility and know exactly what the target group wants to read, then you have reached an important milestone. However, this is only half the battle when it comes to content marketing. No matter how convincing the content may be, there is still a risk that it will not be found. The keyword here is keywords. This is because sound keyword research is also necessary. Whether you do this yourself, because you have the necessary knowledge, or consult an SEO agency you trust and obtain all the important information through an extensive WDF*IDF analysis – it is essential. This is because keywords are an essential ranking factor and an indicator for Google of how and where it should rank you in the search engine.
For many laypeople, this is a logical conclusion and gives reason to pack as many keywords as possible into a text. Do not do this! Keyword stuffing achieves exactly the opposite of what you are aiming for in your ranking. Use the most relevant and semantically appropriate keywords to convince with great content/unique content.
Content makes the ranking
As is the case with keyword stuffing, there are other forms in which keywords can be overwhelming. For example, once you have your list of keywords, you are inclined – and this eagerness is understandable – to work through the list keyword by keyword. It is not uncommon for one of the words not to fit into the text at all. Often the solution is to rephrase and rearrange sentences until the keyword finally finds its place and the list is completed. However, the content suffers considerably as a result. Individual passages quickly become strange to read and the sentence has been constructed in an unusual way, so that the reading flow is unpleasantly disturbed. No visitor likes to read a sentence five times until he finally understands it or stops in the middle because certain words prevent him from reading on fluently. It’s better to have a text with fewer keywords, but with convincing content – Google sees it that way too.
Google has also developed steadily over the years. Whereas a few years ago you could just pile up keywords without any problems, the quality now lies in the content itself. Google will rank a well-thought-out text better than a desperate attempt to vehemently include every keyword. So less is definitely more and “content is king” is a widely used term for a reason. This is not only a favor to your nerves, because you no longer have to spend hours tweaking a sentence, but also to the users, who can look forward to a text that reads as if by itself.
As you can see, it takes a lot to create optimal content and these are just a few of the other important points. In fact, from SEO-view, and also the preparations (Competitor analyseskeyword research, etc.) are difficult to implement without SEO knowledge. Nevertheless, you can use this knowledge to create wonderful basic frameworks and create high potential for blog posts or product texts, for example. However, if you often lack the time, then it is always a sensible investment to contact a SEO agency and have them write search engine optimized texts tailored to your needs.